9AM - 5PM
I am here to help you rebuild your shattered life with love and courage. Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Author and Coach.
The Power of Giving Back: The 10th Stage of Grief
Discover the transformative power of helping others who are grieving in the tenth stage of grief.
Integrating Loss into Your Life Story: The 9th Stage of Grief
Learn to honour a loved one's memory and incorporate loss into your life story.
The Search for Meaning: The 8th Stage of Grief
Find meaning and purpose in the eighth stage of grief through various avenues.
Embracing Acceptance and Hope: The 7th Stage of Grief
Learn about acceptance and fostering hope for the future in the seventh stage of grief.
Rebuilding Your Life: The 6th Stage of Grief
Uncover strategies for rebuilding life and moving forward during the sixth stage of grief.
The Upward Turn: Finding Hope in the 5th Stage of Grief
Explore the emergence of hope and the gradual return to normalcy in the fifth stage of grief.
Embracing Reflection and Overcoming Loneliness: The 4th Stage of Grief
Discover the importance of reflection and coping with loneliness during the fourth stage of grief.
Confronting Anger and Bargaining: The 3rd Stage of Grief
Regain control and find peace by delving into the emotions of anger and bargaining.
Moving Through Pain and Guilt: The 2nd Stage of Grief
Learn to manage the intense emotions of pain and guilt experienced during the second stage of grief.
Navigating Shock and Denial: The 1st Stage of Grief
Explore coping strategies for the overwhelming initial reaction to loss: shock and denial.